Support My Writing


Hey there! If you’ve come to my blog by searching for something on Google, clicked a link on social media, or already follow my blog, thank you for being here! If you like my words, and want to donate to me to support my writing, I’d appreciate it! I don’t expect much of anything in doing this, but I don’t see what it hurts to ask since it is a feature on WordPress! I will continue to write and blog as I’ve been doing since 2013 whether anyone donates or not, whether anyone “likes” my latest post or not, because I need to write. That is what all of this ultimately comes down to.

I’m not exactly made of money myself, but I like to support people who give me something I enjoy, particularly for free. For instance, I recently donated to a wrestling podcast I enjoy so they can buy better equipment. It wasn’t a huge sum I donated, but more just a, “Thank you, I appreciate you,” kind of thing. If you feel that way about me and want to float money my way, I’m not going to stop you, and I greatly appreciate you!


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